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  • Writer's pictureRhea Anise Ani


this newly created blog was inspired after wanting to make a difference somewhere, wherever that may be. Everyone says there are things we can do to be a better person, by eating healthier, living an eco-friendly life, or doing something simple as asking a friend how they're doing, but the question is, why don't we do it? I'm sure we try to do good as much as we can when we remember. Change is inevitable. Experiencing change in life is inevitable; and there's so much going on in our lives that we forget about other things. There are things, hobbies per se, that help keep people sane, for some, that may be watching an episode on Netflix of your favorite series (or an entire season), or playing sports like basketball, football, and even partaking in an intense game of PUBG, but whatever the activity may be, it was a purpose. they all help us get out of our heads, and relax for a while, before we head back to the pressures of reality. i hope reading this will soothe your mind in some way. i plan on sharing uplifting messages and solutions to daily problems. I am no guru in advice, and I'm definitely not experienced, but there are times where we have troubles, and don't listen to the people around us, even if they mean well, but rather, we do things on our own. this is my way of doing something for myself, and I hope you stick around to see how it goes.

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