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  • Writer's pictureRhea Anise Ani

Altering Expectations

How do we live a life without expectation? You’ve probably heard someone tell you that the key to no disappointment, is no expectation, but honestly, I think that’s difficult. You can’t truly live without expectations now can you? We live a life where we want nothing but the best, and if you’re optimistic, you see the possibilities of what could be, and you start spiraling about the great things that could happen. But if you’re a realist, someone that thinks about what can actually happen, you tend to see the bad before the good, and sometimes that’s good, because we have to face the outcome sooner or later, be it good or bad. They say live your best life, and do what makes you happy, and yes, that’s s great and all, but sometimes, it’s more to that, because there are so many responsibilities and consequences that come with each action taken. We need to think rationally, and responsibly in everything we do! And then there are times when we need to do things that we dislike; but we have to, because overall, it will benefit us. Your actions are a reflection of your expectations, so do everything a with purpose. Your life is your story, and like they say, you are the author of your story, so write out your life, and what you want that to entail, and set reasonable expectations, because disappointment can be equivalent to heartbreak.

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