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  • Writer's pictureRhea Anise Ani

Crisis, An Opportunity for Growth

Sometimes life seems to be going well that we might feel so unbothered and peaceful. Then out of nowhere we find ourselves in an uncomfortable or painful situation. This tends to happen when we ignore signs because we are too caught up in the moment or just too busy to notice. Sometimes it may seem easier to ignore whatever is going on in our lives than to face the issue. It might be a difficult process but instead of seeing it as something negative we should take time to see it as an opportunity presented to us to be able to grow as human beings. It can maybe be pain by broken trust of a partner or friend. It can be trying our best at something yet continuing to not feel good enough. Instead of dwelling in pain, we should focus on becoming better. It can be by making new friends, taking up new interest or traveling . We may not always want to work on the challenges but, we can learn to use them to our advantage, we learn and grow and turn them into meaningful experiences .We bloom into better and wiser versions of our selves.

“You don’t need to have everything figured out. Try new things. Experiment. Mess up. Start over.” – Anonymous

                            A message from lanai Drapery.

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