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  • Writer's pictureRhea Anise Ani

A Balance

They say there are several beauties in life. One of them is balance. It may probably sound strange to hear it, but it certainly brings a sense of calm, and order knowing that there is a balance to life. As we get older, we realize the importance and true value of friendship, family, and even school or work. All of this makes up our lives.

With time we get to find an equilibrium between the social life we have created, that brings delight knowing how our friends are, the work we need to get done that helps us stay focused and that family bond we appreciate dearly when we are far away. Life, as deep, and beautiful it may be, it is messy, and throw so many obstacles we have to overcome. We are faced with several tasks we must complete, and sometimes, it becomes overwhelming. When this happens, it’s because we’ve altered a balance in our lives. And I’m not saying, because there is a lot work to be done, don’t do it, but rather, make a transition, take a break, reward yourself for all the work you have done. Personally, I’m the type of person that tries to get all the work done in one day, and this is definitely not the best method to complete tasks because I drain all the energy I have, and there will still be work to do.

Having a social life is important because after all, we are social creatures that need to interact with others, some more than others, but all in all, we crave interaction, and maybe even attention from others, and that's probably why we message our friends asking them if they are free to hang out or do something together. We were never meant to be entirely alone.

Take a glance at the global warming, and the climate change issue, if the entire human population were to find that balance in regards to how much emission we can afford to emit, how much trees we could cut down, how much fossil fuels we could burn, if we perfected it, and balanced it out by harvesting natural energy, there would be little effect on the planet.

Life is constantly changing, and so must we, and in order to remain afloat, we need to find a balance between all our activities, or else we’ll be overwhelmed and drown.

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