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  • Writer's pictureRhea Anise Ani

The Little Things

There are so many things happening around us, and around the world, we can't help but feel how futile our actions are. I wanna remind everyone that there are things we can do, and if we all did them, it will have an immense impact on our surroundings. If we're talking about the environment, choosing to refuse plastic bags, straws, and even styrofoam containers; but rather we take our own recyclable bag, even taking your personal water bottle to school would make a difference. If we're talking about the interactions with friends, ask them how they're doing, what's up, how's the family. Something as small as that shows that you care about them and strengthens that bond with them. If we're talking about school, and how difficult a class may be, there are small steps to take to be better. It's as simple as listening to the instructor as they explain a certain topic, or writing down few pointers, or asking a friend to help. Whatever it is that we want to achieve, we just need to figure what the small steps to take. Everything starts small, and once you start, keep going, and you'll see how far you've reached.

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Aug 10, 2020

Sounds great honestly

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