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  • Writer's pictureRhea Anise Ani

A Reflection

Issues arise from various roots. A main source is in relations to gratitude. In a world filled with so many different products, we grow a desire to want so much, and yes, at times it’s good to have that ambition, but we must learn that there is a limit. We’ve grown in an environment where we satisfy most, if not all our desires, but we still long for more. We can only be grateful for what we have, and I think it’s time we realized how much we really do have. Take time out from your day to reflect, and be appreciative for what, and who, you have in your life. And no, this isn’t something religious, but it’s something that will keep you grounded, humble even. Around the world, even to this day, there are people that suffer from hunger, neglect, and injustice, at least there’s that to be thankful for. It can be as simple as saying thank you for the food you ate today. Reflect and think back about how many times you’ve enjoyed a family meal, a night out with friends, or a casual day at school, whatever the memory may be, realize how much it meant to you, and be thankful, because maybe one day you won’t be able to do that again. Gratitude is portrayed in your attitude, and it can really throw people off if they don’t see it, and you don’t want to be the reason why someone is upset. We face conflict in our lives several times, and we must take time to reflect on the good, and then resolve the issue with a fresh and positive mindset.

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Aug 15, 2020

That is facts! We must be thankful for everything we have. Things we work for comes at a cost and things given to us also comes with cost, value and sentiment.

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