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  • Writer's pictureRhea Anise Ani

A Negative Nature

Why is it that we judge others so quickly? It has become a tradition, a norm and an impulse to critique other on the way they look, dress, and how they live. We need to change this natural negativity against other, simply because it’s not right. People can be going through so much and need to do certain things to cope with their situation, and simply because we don’t know that, we’re quick to critique others. We judge just as much as others judge us and we don’t always want to hear what others have to say, and that makes sense, because your life, and your choices are of no one’s concern but yours and those to whom you choose to share it with. For this exact reason, we should try to change our mindset, and nature, to something more positive, because, one, it’s not of your concern, and two, because it feels good when someone compliments you. We all appreciate when someone tells us how proud they are of us, or how talented you are at basketball, or how pretty you look. Try being positive in a naturally negative world. We are all humans, and we all go through difficult situations, and sometimes we make bad choices, but being negative doesn’t resolve our issues, so what’s the point? Compliment rather than criticize, be the good, when all people can see is the bad, it’s what gives them hope.

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13. Aug. 2020

Changing the world one positive compliment at a time:)

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